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“I am Gustavo Daniel Geier. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on July 16th, 1965.

My family was affiliated to Temple Beth El (Buenos Aires), connected to the Conservative (Masorti) Movement. From my early teens I was time and again getting involved in everything Jewish, acting as a cantor and, at the same time, creating a very strong bond with Rabbi Marshall T.Meyer—the founder of the Latin-American Rabbinical Seminary, at which I enrolled in 2016 to pursue rabbinic studies.

Since 1980 I have occupied distinct positions in central functions at the heart of the Jewish community of my country, such as:​​

All kinds of celebrations, special dates, memorials, funerals, etc.
Madrich, coordinator of madrichim, machanot designer.
Classes of  Hebrew Language, Tanakh, Halakhah, Machshevet Israel, Parashat haShavua; classes for conversion and bar/bat-mitzvah; classes for people with disabilities or those from outside the Jewish community; coordination of morim and parents reunions.
Assistant rabbi, full-time rabbi, drashot; Youth Department; spiritual accompaniment; deep communication with social care; bikur cholim.

In this diversity of functions I have worked in many communities in the city of Buenos Aires and its metropolitan area: Comunidad Jerusalem, Comunidad Bet-El, Comunidad Or Jadash, Comunidad Bet-Jai de la Escuela Natán Gesan, Comunidad El-Jai, Bialik de Villa Devoto, Comunidad NCI, Comunidad Benei Tikvá.

From 2017 to 2020 I was in charge of clergy at Comunidad Hebrea de Guadalajara, Mexico City, Mexico as a rabbinical student.

Since November, 2021 I have been in charge of clergy at Temple Beth El of Utica-NY, USA.


I completed my rabbinic studies at the Rabbinical Academy at Mesifta Adath Wolkowisk, New York-NY, USA, on October 19th, 2022, and was ordained rabbi on June 21st, 2023.”


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