Israel is a very integral part of Rabbi Geier's experience, both as a Jew and as a Jewish leader. He feels that Israel is the home and the center of support for all Jews; not only a refuge for those who, for whatever reason, leave heir country, but the final destination of the People of Israel as a whole at some point in history. Upholding it is most necessary, so that the ones willing to be there and make their lives in the country can do so at any given time.
At the same time, Rabbi Geier understands he has a lot of work to do with Jews in the Diaspora—and, so far, this has been his share in the complex fabric of Judaism.

May 1, 2024
We ALL need to say "no!" to terrorism +
Blessed is the match that is consumed in kindling flame.
Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart.
Blessed is the heart with wisdom to stop its beating for honor's sake ...
Blessed is the match that is consumed in kindling flame.

Jan 3, 2024
Tracing the Complex History of the State of Israel [part 1] +
When we were kids, we learned about the People of Israel, the conquest of Canaan, and the declaration of the State of Israel and its pioneers. It is very likely that the early European migrants, much like our heroes from the Torah, omitted certain passages from these stories that weren't suitable for children who were meant to grow up with love for the Promised Land, its history, and its heroes.

Mar 1, 2024
Tracing the Complex History of the State of Israel [part 3] +
What happened in the second half of 1947 and during 1948 is complicated to narrate. David Ben Gurion is accused of having a strategic plan to expel Arabs from villages in Galilee in the north and around the Arab city of Lod in the center. They were to drive out the Arabs from Galilee and overcome the Syrian and Lebanese forces invading Galilee. Conquer Galilee, cleanse Galilee, defend Galilee. Ensure that Galilee becomes Jewish.

Dec 2, 2023
Standing United for Israel in Washington, D. C. +
Once again, I must begin my article in the Temple Times with images of an event I witnessed, just as it happened with last month's and the one before. What I experienced this week in Washington, D.C. was so immensely significant that it will be challenging to describe it solely in written words.

Feb 1, 2024
Tracing the Complex History of the State of Israel [part 2] +
In the 1850s, a new variety of orange was discovered in the citrus orchards of Jaffa, and by 1890, the new Shamouti orange—large, oval, and juicy—had made its way to Queen Victoria's table. The colony of Rehovot discovered the virtues of citrus in the 1920s. Rehovot was founded in 1890 on 10,600 dunams of the Ottoman feudal state of Duran, located approximately 24 kilometers southeast of Jaffa.

Nov 1, 2023
Who Owns the Holy Land? +
Once again, vivid memories flood my mind as I write for the Temple Times. Almost all beautiful memories, like those we experienced during the rally at the JCC, praying, crying, and singing together for Israel, for those families waiting to hear news about their kidnapped loved ones, for the wounded, for those who lost their lives. We prayed, sang, and cried for the unfortunate confirmation that almost 20 years of avoiding a larger-scale war conflict were in vain. In all those years, Israel did not manage to live in peace, and lives were lost, their sacrifices failing to lead us to peace.