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Parashat Behaalotecha

פרשת בהעלותך

Nm. 8:1-12:16 | Zc. 2:14-4:7
Tabernacle model golden menorah, tb052605177.jpg

Aharon lights the menorah (7-branched candelabrum) and the Levites begin the service in the sanctuary. God institutes a second Passover for those who haven't had time to purify themselves for the first. The people start to complain and God gets upset, sending a fire that consumes part of the camp. Moshe grows weary of taking care of the little things of the people and is instructed to form a council of 70 elders who will take care of them for him. Miryam speaks ill of Moshe's wife and she and Aharon, jealous of him, go to complain to God; Miryam becomes "a metzoraat" and the brothers intercede for her. God hears them and says that she must be isolated for 7 days so that the condition leaves her body.



Behaalotecha 5784

Parashat Behaalotcha places us in a complicated moment in the journey of the people of Israel in the desert. Many well-known episodes have already occurred: the Golden Calf, the Giving of the Torah, various complaints from the people of Israel who do not adapt to the desert and being masters of their own freedom.

Behaalotecha 5783

Parashat Behaalotcha places us in a complicated moment during the journey of the people of Israel in the desert. Many well-known episodes have already taken place: the Golden Calf, the Giving of the Torah, and some complaints from the people of Israel. In this case, there is a complaint that, upon reading it, seems out of place. The people of Israel complain about missing the cucumbers and all the seasonings and delicacies they received for free as food in Egypt. It's as if the value of freedom were not as important as these indulgences that seemingly existed in Egypt. It's as if slavery didn't weigh on them. These seemingly trivial things were what mattered.

Behaalotecha 5782

Suppose someone told you that you are no longer good for what you have dedicated your whole life to; what would you do? How would you react?

What if you realized that what they are really telling you is that you are not good at what you thought you were?

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