The first portion of the readings of the Pentateuch takes its title from the first verse: “When, in the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth...’ In this portion we find the creation of the world and of the humans, their relation with God, the events regarding the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the exile from the Paradise, Hevel’s death by the hands of his brother Kain, the continuity of Adam's offspring through Shet, the iniquity of people and Noach, who finds favor in the eyes of the Creator.
Bereshit 5783
We start again. The cycle that we hope will never be interrupted, in which we finish the reading of the Torah and immediately restart it in a commitment that is renewed year after year: Bereshit, the wonder that is the Creation of our universe with all the surprise that it causes us since childhood about the origin of everything.