God sends three last plagues to Egypt: locusts, darkness and death of the firstborn. The orders that God gives the Hebrews after the last plague, when Pharaoh finally frees them, provides the people with several of his customs, some lasting for the entire existence of the Temple of Jerusalem: the offering of first fruits (first fruits and animals); others, present with us to this day: the unleavened bread, the bitter herbs and the retelling of this story on the first night of Passover.

Bo 5784
The narrative of the last three plagues—locusts, darkness, and the death of the Egyptian firstborn—begins this week. This concludes chapter 11 of Shemot in Exodus. Chapter 12 then starts with a narrative that seems somewhat out of context. It begins by stating that the month of Nisan, the month of Freedom, the month of Pesach, will now become the first month of the year. Since the people of Israel now have control over their time as they are no longer slaves, they must organize themselves according to the Mitzvot, according to the designs of the Kadosh Baruch Hu, distinguishing sacred and profane times, and thus ordering each of the years and each of the months.