Moshe and Aharon do miraculous things before Pharaoh and his court; the famous ten plagues begin, which take place because God hardens Pharaoh's heart every time he finally lets the Hebrews leave Egypt.
Vaera 5784
The text of the Torah shows us how HaKadosh Baruch Hu strives to manifest signs, particularly to Moshe in the form of the burning bush and to Pharaoh with each of the plagues. One twists Moshe’s destiny, causing him to escape beyond the desert (achar hamidbar), like that place many of us would like to disappear to when faced with something that seems enormous or impossible to bear. The burning bush, the Sne Boer, was THE sign. And it worked for Moshe. It awakened him from his lethargy and set him on the right path.
Vaera 5783
Sometimes it seems to us that our work is paying off, and it turns out that it is not. Sometimes it seems to us that we are failing in what we do, and it turns out that things prove better than expected.
And, many times, this disparity between reality and what we believe it to be has to do with us, with our fears, with our own insecurity.
Vaera 5782
Moshe and Aharon. Each one with a different leadership. Of Moshe, it is written in Devarim 34, about his death that "Bnei Israel wept", while about the death of Aaron it is written that "ALL Bnei Israel wept for 30 days." According to Rabbi Nathan's Avot, an agadic midrash, this difference tells us what the arrival of each one of the people was: Moshe was a faithful follower of absolute justice, while Aaron did not reprimand the people or the people. He was a Rodef Shalom (persecutor of peace) and he sought Shlom Bait, peace in the home, in the town, being a conciliator in each of his interventions. Even the midrash tells that he was a brilliant marriage counselor and that it is due to him that hundreds of descendants of couples had been born who, without his intervention, would not have succeeded.