After many events, Yosef interprets Pharaoh's dreams that indicate years of plenty followed by years of misery. By his perspicacity, Pharaoh frees him and makes him his grand vizier. As a result of Yosef's correct prediction of drought, his brothers end up going down to Egypt to buy food for their family. This starts the saga of the dramatic family reunion between brothers who had so drastically broken up in the past.
Miketz 5784
Our parashah, Miketz, brings the stories of Yosef's success, the fulfillment of the dreams he interpreted. Yosef's goes from darkness to being the one who illuminates Egypt. From being the last of the despised prisoners in Pharaoh's prisons due to an injustice committed by his master Potiphar's wife, he becomes responsible for making Egypt the most powerful nation of the time. This is thanks to his strategy of stockpiling food during the years of plenty to face the upcoming years of famine and deprivation. Yosef goes from the bottom of the pit to the highest point, becoming seen by all as the greatest, second only to Pharaoh. Through his policies, he saves Egypt, and its ruler becomes one of the wealthiest of the time, avoiding potential ruin.
Miketz 5783
We often say that appearances are deceiving. It is a well-known saying. And it is in the Torah above all.
Through the different parashot and characters that compose them, it’s like the text is telling us: “don’t be impressed or fooled by what you think you see at first. Look deeper.” And this happens especially with respect to clothing or what covers nudity.