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Yaakov settles in Hebron with his 12 sons. Rachel's son Yosef is preferred to him, which infuriates his brothers. He dreams and interprets dreams and this gift of his will lead him to change the course of Hebrew history, but not without causing difficult moments, such as his imprisonment in Egypt. Yehudah commits injustices against his daughter-in-law Tamar and is deceived by her so that justice is restored and generations can follow the course they should.



Vayeshev 5784

There is no doubt that envy is a feeling that generates discomfort, both in the one who feels it and in the one who receives it. It complicates relationships and blinds people's minds, allowing selfish and petty thoughts to surface.

Vayeshev 5778

Es increíble cómo, en la mayoría de los casos, necesitamos que la vida, o alguien nos sacuda para reaccionar y cambiar. Requerimos de un evento o palabras fuertes o incluso alguna decepción, para entender que el camino que llevamos hasta ese momento no era el adecuado, o el que nos llevaría al mejor puerto esperado.

Vayeshev 5783

It’s amazing how, in most cases, we need life or someone to shake us to react and change. We require an event, or strong words, or even some disappointment to understand that the path we have taken up to that moment was not the right one, or the one that would lead us to the best expected ending.

Vayeshev 5777

No cabe dudas que la envidia es un sentimiento que genera malestar, en quien lo siente y en quien lo recibe. Que complica las relaciones y ciega las mentes de la gente para dejar aflorar pensamientos egoistas y mezquinos.

Vayeshev 5780

En esta sección de la Torá tenemos varios preceptos que resultaban más que novedosos para la sociedad de aquella época en la fueron promulgados. Algunos de los cuales ni siquiera se tiene certeza que alguna vez hayan sido cumplidos. Me refiero a Shnat Shemitá y Shnat Iovel, El año Sabático para la tierra y el año del jubileo.

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